Costa Rica #2

Costa Rica abounds in beautiful birds and butterflies. Some of the nature centers and wildlife refuges have birdfeeders so you can get a closer look at the colorful display. At Monteverde, there is a hummingbird garden with many feeders and the hummingbirds are flitting all around – including sitting on your fingers. Enjoy some of…

Costa Rica #1

Last February, we made our first trip to Costa Rica.  We spent most of the time in the interior area on a hacienda bordering Lake Arenal. But we also had some time to explore the Pacific beaches and several wildlife reserves. The above photo was made at Coco Beach or Playas del Coco. It is the…

Winter Visitors

While not a fan of cold winters, the bright spot during the long, chilly days are the birds that stop by for a drink at the heated bird bath or to take advantage of our feeders. Some of our recent sightings.

Matanuska River Valley – Alaska

Here are some photos from our trip this summer through Alaska in a RV. Travel north of Anchorage and head east on the Glenn Highway and you will travel through the Matanuska River Valley. It is a beautiful area with a broad river valley and mountains on both sides. The Glenn Highway connects Palmer near…

New Hampshire in the Fall

One of my favorite areas is the White Mountains of New Hampshire. We spent several days in the Lincoln area at the end of September. It is near the White Mountain National Forest and Franconia Notch State Park. There are lots of hiking trails, waterfalls and other beautiful scenery. Looking forward to returning again next…

Alaska – Denali Highway

Denali Highway goes east-west connecting Richardson Highway with the Parks Highway in Alaska. It can only be called a “highway” in the very loose sense of the term. It is 135 miles of washboard gravel but goes through a vast wilderness area. There are a couple of lodges along the road but otherwise you are…

Changing Seasons

We had a beautiful fall here but with a week of wind, all of the leaves are down now. Saw the juncos (small gray birds) two weeks ago and that is another sure sign that winter is on the way. Here are some scenes from late October. Hope you are enjoying the changing seasons where…


I have been absent from the blog for awhile – too busy with work, family and chores at home. This summer my husband and I spent almost three weeks traveling around Alaska in a RV. We had visited 25 years ago when we did a stop-over on our way to South Korea. It was as…

Summer Scene

I am enjoying our summer flowers and birds today. I love the summer plumage of the goldfinch and the scene as he stops by to eat some seeds from the cone flowers. (The silver/gray in the back of the photo is Dichondra (silver falls) from a hanging basket in a tree — Dichondra makes a…

Watching Eagles

Have you seen the bald eagle camera at Codorus State Park in Pennsylvania? It is fun to watch the eagles whether you are an adult or to share with children. Right now the nest is covered with snow and it is well  below freezing but the eagles are still on the eggs. You can see…

Snowy Day

Here are some photographs from our snowfall yesterday. The photo above includes a white throat sparrow, dark eyed junco, goldfinch and female cardinal – four different birds all sitting on same branch in the snow. While the temperature is in the single digits today, hopefully warmer weather and spring will be here soon. Snow fell…

Tumblr Anyone?

Tumblr is another blogging platform that is easy to use to post photos, videos, quotes and to share favorite websites. I am using Tumblr as another way of sharing and viewing nature photos. If you have a Tumblr account, let me know and I will follow you. I am always interesting in seeing great photos….


A colorful morning as we wait for another snowstorm. I am ready for butterflies, flowers and warm weather!

Winter’s Joy

We are having a cold winter with some snow but the snow is not as deep as last winter. One of the joys of the winter is watching the birds at the feeders. Their color and constant motion add beauty to the cold winter. For feeding we use five main types of food – black…


Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?  ~Matthew 6:26

His Eye is on the Sparrow

“I sing because I’m happy, I sing because I’m free, For His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.” ~Civilla D. Martin

Seeking Early

“I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.” – Proverbs 8:17

Winter’s Blue

One of the joys of winter in our area is the profusion of Eastern Bluebirds. Once rare, the bluebirds have made a comeback in the last 20 years as residents construct bluebird trails and conserve natural areas. The bluebirds are year-round residents but tend to stay in the woods in the summer. Once the cold…

Nature Photos on Twitter

Do you use Twitter and enjoy photos of nature? I set up a new Twitter account this weekend that features photos of the wildlife and scenery in our area. You can follow it at @ALookatNature or click on one of the “Follow” buttons below. What are some of your favorite feeds on Twitter? Eastern Bluebird…