Auction Day


auctionWe stopped by the annual auction at the Fivepointville Firehouse last weekend. There was an abundance of farm and garden equipment for sale, along with household materials, bicycles and buggies. There is a large Old Order Mennonite community in the Fivepointville area plus Amish so many people arrived by buggy or bicycle. It was a beautiful spring day to enjoy the action.

auction 2 (640x424)

bicycles (640x424)Old Order Mennonites ride bicycles in addition to using the black buggies (Amish do not ride bicycles). While Amish only use solid colors in their clothes, Old Order Mennonites dress plain but use small prints and different styles. Head dress is also different between the two groups. The round large brimmed straw hats in the top picture are Amish, while the black and natural straw hats with the more narrow brim are Old Order Mennonite.

Braids (1140x755) (2) (640x424)Don’t you love girls with braids?

visitors (640x424)

Aution Day buggy (1140x755) (2) (640x424)People arrived using all types of transportation. In general the black buggies are Old Order Mennonite and Pennsylvania Amish buggies are gray.

Aution Day Transportation (1140x755) (2) (640x424)

buggies (640x424)

sign (640x424)And a reminder to the buggy drivers!

6 Comments Add yours

  1. dhphotosite says:

    Wow what a great day you must have had! Super photos too!


    1. Mary says:

      We go to Weaver’s Store at Fivepointville frequently for bird seed and other items so just happened upon the auction. Was a beautiful day and always interesting to “people watch.” Thanks


  2. Thank you Mary, for a peek into another world…


  3. Simon Fry says:

    Hi, I came across your blog while doing an image search for Mennonite men in hats and I was wondering if you would allow me to use that second picture on my blog?


    1. Mary says:

      Yes, that will be fine. Glad you stopped by!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Simon Fry says:

        Thank you. I appreciate that–I’ll give you credit for the photo.


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