Tioga County in October


115 (640x423)Pennsylvania’s Tioga County is a rural county that borders New York state. The county is full of beautiful scenery including: The Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania

056 (1140x756) (640x424)Abundant wildlife – bear, eagles, elk (largest herd in the northeast)

251 (640x424)State forest lands

242 (640x424)Farms dotting the hillsides

248 (640x424)Roads that include creek crossings

051 (640x424)Pine Creek Rail Trail

330 (640x424)Colorful seasons

081 (640x424)Covered wagon rides

026 (640x424)Train rides through the countryside

203 (640x424)Water falls and small creeks

062 (640x424)A beautiful part of the state and great place to visit.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. dhphotosite says:

    It sure is a pretty part of Pennsylvania…your photos have triggered a lot of memories. We would spend almost every weekend up there camping and exploring.


    1. Mary says:

      Thanks, it was the first time we had spent an extended length of time in the area and really liked it.


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